Sunday, September 30, 2007

One Over Sized Check Later...

Today we made the trip tip to Atlantic City, NJ for Zach's 5K Run and Fun Walk in support of Hunters syndrome. While we did not run or walk, we did enjoy time on the slide and an excellent soft pretzel. After the run Ian accepted an over sized check on behalf of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to fund new research.

On the way home we stopped in Chestnut Hill for lunch at Cafette. Ryan gobbled up some delicious french toast with bananas. Then we headed home for a well deserved nap.

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's a girlie...

Our friends Katie and Steve welcomed little Sylvia (Sylvie) Anne into the world on September 23rd at 4:13 a.m. She weighed in at 7 pounds and was 20 inches long. Tink is thrilled to have another girlie to play with and can't wait to meet her!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A baker's dozen...

Today our special little monkey turned 13 months. We think the worst of the teething is over, as she chatted it up at Nana and Pops while watching the Eagles. Mom had to fly to NC for work so Tink and Daddy went over to eat pizza and watch the game. We miss Mommy already, and hope that Friday comes soon! Until then, our little year plus one month girlie will surely occupy Daddy's time with many MANY toys.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The molars are coming, the molars are coming!

Our girlie has been a bit of a bear this past week and all signs are pointing to more teeth. The next chompers scheduled to come in are molars and they are proving to be the worst ones yet! She wants her nuk, she does not want her nuk. She wants her bottle, she does not want her bottle. She wants to be held, she does not want to be held. She is too exhausted from crying to eat dinner or take a good bath. She wakes up multiple times a night because she is uncomfortable and hungry. Then she gets up at the crack of dawn (4:30 a.m. this morning) wanting to play with her Play-Doh and then falls sound asleep on the two minute car ride to school because she has been up for three hours. And the drool is everywhere! We are hopeful that a little time and another bottle of children's Tylenol will get us through this one?!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The perils of being a young toddler...

For the past three weeks Ryan has been going to the young toddler class at school. The transition has been a bit of a struggle (mainly for Mommy) as she is expected to eat her meals at a table, take her ONE nap a day on a mat, wear shoes all day, and other big girl things.

The peril came into play last week when I received a call at work relaying that Ryan had been bit by one of her overzealous classmates on the face. Yes, it did break the skin and no we did not ask who the little biter was. Auntie Annie exclaimed that she was just so sweet who could resist taking a bite out of her?! While that may be true we are hopeful that this was a one time experience.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Its Fall in Philly!

Just a couple final summer shots of our Tink before we put away the dresses and get out the sweaters. Tink is having a few issues with her teeth, as in, they are coming in and making her cranky. Poor little girlie. In the meantime, her playroom is almost done and ready for playtime!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

1st Birthday Party, Take 2...

This past weekend we made the trip out to Ohio to deposit Great Grandma back at home and to celebrate Tink's 1st birthday with family and friends--even Auntie Kissy made it up from Atlanta! Auntie Annie orchestrated a great party on Sunday afternoon with tons of toys for all of the kiddies, a harvest table, and mini food (from burgers to cupcakes). It was a beautiful day and everyone had a wonderful time catching up.

On Saturday we took Ryan for her first boat ride up the Maumee River. Papa met us at the docks and then we were off. Ryan was not thrilled with her life jacket and ended up sitting on the floor playing with the dock ties most of the trip. We did suffer one casualty on the trip when she threw her sippy cup overboard in a fit of anger.

Big thanks to everyone for a fun holiday weekend!